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Home » 2020, Vol. I, No. 2 » Varga
Cătălin Varga
Rev., PhD candidate, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
A historical Jewish-Christian biblical paradigm for the contemporary Church/State relationship

Abstract: Nowadays we regard the Jewish-Christian dialogue as an ancient biblical heritage, reflected best in the Church/State relationship that still influence the Eastern-European Orthodox way of political theology. God, through the Law of Moses, offers the man created according to His image a series of rights that come to valorize the dignity and freedom of humans. These various rights must be protected by a civil authority that respects human dignity and religious freedom. Our original interpretation of Church/State relations will emphasize the necessity for a dialogue between Judaism and Orthodox Christianity that dominates Eastern-European countries, in order to update our joint ancient heritage, for building a better society.

Keywords: Church/State relations; Eastern-European countries; political theology; Jewish-Christian dialogue; Torah; commonwealth


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