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Home » 2021, Vol. II, No. 2 » Moldovan
Ionel Moldovan
PhD, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi/Romanian Young Academy
The episcopal ministry of the metropolitan Pimen Georgescu.
Projection and reforms for the married clergy (1909-1918)/
Arhipăstorirea mitropolitului Pimen Georgescu.
Proiecții și reforme pentru clerul de mir (1909-1918)

Abstract: The presentation contains the itinerary of my PhD research and the conclusion of my thesis, publically presented on October 30th, 2020, in the PhD School of History Faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi. In the first part of the presentation included the main phases of my documentation, which lead me to an original perspective about how the Metropolitan Pimen Georgescu and his ecclesiastical institution (the Moldavian Metropolitanate) helped the Romanian war effort during the Great War. In its second part, I mentioned some of my research conclusions.

Given that Pimen Georgescu is known in the Romanian historiography as the Metropolitan of the war and unification of the Romanian nation, I could state that my most important conclusion is perhaps that the implication of Metropolitan Pimen in supporting the Romanian war effort was not a purpose in itself, as the war was just a favorable context for materializing the perspective of the priestly extra-liturgical implication which he promoted when he was the Bishop of Galaţi and later on the Metropolitan of Iaşi.

Keywords: Metropolitan Pimen Georgescu, Spiru Haret's social movement, extraliturgical activity of the clergy, World War I.


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