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Home » 2021, Vol. II, No. 1 » Trifan
Andreea-Emanuela Trifan
PhD candidate, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Școala confesională în timpul Primului Război Mondial. Studiu de caz: parohiile din actualul județ Bistrița-Năsăud/
Confessional school during the First World War. Case study: the Parishes of the Current Bistrița-Năsăud County

Abstract: Between 1914-1918 the school played an important role in supporting the army, for all the states participating in The Great War. The present study presents how the educational institution was used to support the front. The situation of the Romanian schools in Transylvania was a very delicate problem especially during the war. These operated under the patronage of the Church, respectively Orthodox or Greek-Catholic, being confessional schools. With the general mobilization, a part of the teachers was enrolled, and a barrier was created in its normal course. In this article we want to analyze the mobilization of the Romanian confessional school of the communities that belonged to the current Bistrița Năsăud county in the First World War. The school played a role in supporting the front through collections organized during different celebrations and by participating in the collection of medicinal plants requested by the Austro-Hungarian authorities.

Keywords: Great War, teachers, propaganda, mobilization, children


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