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Home » 2021, Vol. II, No. 2 » Bleiziffer
William A. Bleiziffer
PhD, Rev. Associate Professor, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, Blaj Department
Considerazioni canoniche sul primo Sinodo celebrato nell’Eparchia di Făgăraş (1725) /
Canonical Considerations on the First Celebrated Synod in the Făgăraş Eparchy (1725)

Abstract: Publication of the Papal Bull by Pope Innocent XIII Rationi Congruit, on 18 May 1721, by which the Făgăraş Eparchy was established, is a start and crucial point in the evolution of the Romanian Catholic Church United with Rome. This Bull, through the content and effects it created, - first of all by creating institutional stability, but also by connecting to European and modern culture - is the legal-canonical foundation of the Făgăraş Eparchy and the subsequent development of a Church that played a special role in the history of the Romanian people. The celebration of 300 years of that moment gives us the opportunity of a new review on this event and distributing some historical circumstances related to this pontifical approach, and a new analysis, even summary of the first Synod held in the new Eparchy of Făgăraş.

Keywords: Rationi Congruit, Ioan Giurgiu Patachi, Canonical Constitution, Catholic Oriental Church, Synod, Synodality, Canonic Discipline


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